
If you own a local business, you know that getting customers can be tough. You’re probably also aware of the fact that customers are more likely to search for local businesses than they are for national brands. But does that mean your business has a chance of showing up first when someone looks up for something in your area? Not necessarily. To increase your chances of showing up higher in search results, you need to think about boosting your local SEO (search engine optimization).

Google is the king of local SEO

When people search for products and services nearby, they want to know if they can trust the business. If you show up at the top of their search results, they’re much, much more likely to click on your listing and make a purchase. This is especially important for local businesses, because you’ve got to get the customer’s attention before they even enter your store or office. Once they’re in your space, though, you have the chance to make a lasting impression. Google understands this concept, so it places an increasing amount of weight on local SEO when ranking websites. In fact, it’s become so important that a Google representative recently stated that local SEO Malaysia is “more important than ever.”


Use free tools for SEO

You’ve got lots of great content for your site, and visitors are coming to find you every day. And then, suddenly, you go from seeing a few hundred visitors to a few thousand visitors in a single day. What happened? Did your site really rank higher and attract millions of new visitors overnight? Of course not. What you experienced was a sudden spike in search engine traffic. Google is one of the main reasons for this increase in traffic. But the good news? Once the search engine traffic dies down, so too will the traffic from the increased traffic. That’s why you should add Google Analytics to your website. Adding this tool will let you know exactly what your visitors are doing on your site, where they’re coming from, and how long they stay. From there, you can make adjustments to your SEO to better target your audience, boost your ranking and increase your overall SEO.


Create an easy-to-find presence on your website and in your local area

Are you featured on every single page of your local directory and online, too? These pages act as your website’s front door, so make sure you’re welcoming visitors and letting them know you’re there. If you’re not showing up in your local directories, you may want to look into hiring a directory marketing professional to help you get listed. You also want to make sure that your business is easy to find wherever you’re located. Are you on the first page of Google? If not, you should start there. There are lots of ways that you can make your business easier to find. You can add your business’s name to your signage, put up business cards at the front desk and in the lobby, and link to your website from social media profiles. You should also think about adding your business to local business listings sites, like Yelp and its own local business directory.


Update your website’s content regularly

No one is going to click on a site full of stale content. If your site is outdated or if you’re not updating your content regularly, you’re going to see a large drop in your search engine rankings. Don’t let your website sit idle while you post new content. Regularly updating your website’s SEO is an excellent way to boost your local SEO. You can do this by using the information you learn from your Google Analytics. What are your visitors looking for on your site? What could you add to your site to make it easier to navigate? What content would your customers find most useful? You can also look into bookmarking services that can boost your local SEO by generating a link to your site every time somebody clicks on a link you’ve bookmarked.


Utilize a video marketing strategy

Reaching out to customers in person is still the best way to get new business, but it’s also smart to reach out through other channels. One of the best ways to do this? Videos. Not only are videos very likely to be viewed on mobile devices (which are likely to be in your local area’s search results), but a study has shown that people also remember visual content better than text. That means that you’re more likely to be remembered as a business if you post regular videos on your site. Make sure that you’re using the right tools to boost your video SEO, too.


Incentivize reviews and citations

Google is getting better at understanding when you’re gaming the system, and one way it’s trying to prevent the problem is by discouraging the practice of gaming reviews. Start adding reviews to your site’s content. If you’re not adding reviews, you’re losing out on a strong SEO tactic that can give you a boost in your local SEO. When you’re ready to start asking people for reviews, consider a couple of ways to incentivize your customers. What will it take for them to write you a review? What will it take for them to click on a link to your site?


Hold a lunchtime event or other event to boost visibility

If you want to dramatically boost your visibility in the local SEO space, you have a couple of options. You can host a lunchtime event, where you charge customers a small fee to speak at a meetup or lunch. You can also host a trivia night, where you charge people a small fee to enter and you charge a small prize to the winning team. You can also host a networking event, where you charge people a small fee to attend and you charge a small prize to the person who makes the largest impact on a person’s business. There are lots of different ways to boost your visibility through local events. You can charge a small fee to attend and charge a small prize to the person who makes the largest impact on a new customer’s business.


Stay informed about changes to Google guidelines

As your business grows and evolves, you have to think about future growth, too. That means making sure you’re aware of changes to Google's guidelines and best practices. There are lots of changes happening in the local SEO space. For example, Google is now more likely to penalize websites that link to spammy or low-quality sites. That means that you have to make sure that links on your site are high-quality and that you’re linking to pages that are valuable and useful to your customers.


Wrapping Up: What To Know About Local SEO

Google link building running a local business, it’s especially important to boost your local SEO. That’s because people are more likely to search for local businesses than they are for national brands. Plus, local businesses are placed at the top of Google’s search engine results page, so you’re likely to be found, even if someone types in a random term in your area. To get ahead in the local SEO game, you need to think about boosting your local SEO. Start by using free tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Next, make sure that your website is easy to navigate, your content is up to date, and that you’re holding local events to boost your visibility.


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